The Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) represents the California’s network of 21 regional centers, serving nearly 350,000 Californian children and adults with developmental disabilities.
In mid-2019, several ARCA board members were discussing the interest their regional centers’ boards had in training and professional development opportunities. They brought forward the idea of a training event, open to all regional center boards, meant to bring board members together to learn best practices, improve their oversight skills, and generally support their work as the people in charge of large non-profits.
The ARCA Board of Directors formally approved the idea, and under the direction of an ad hoc committee, this event was designed to best meet the learning needs of all attendees.
The Collaborative’s Board of Directors voted to sponsor this event.
All materials from the February 22, 2020, event are found here!
Plenary #1 – The Big Contract
The details and operation of the basic contract with DDS that outlines regional center responsibilities, including some that are specific to the board of directors
Plenary #2 – Financial Oversight
How regional center boards make sure money is spent properly, including Financial information, reading a financial statement, allocation methodologies, and Purchase of Service Expenditure Projection (PEP) Reports
Breakout Session #1 – Future Planning
Guiding the strategic direction of a regional center, including succession planning, hiring/oversight of an Executive Director, and board development
- Robert Reich biography
- Future Planning PowerPoint
- Conflict-of-Interest
- Job descriptions
- Board structure
- Member recruitment
Breakout Session #2 – The Money
How the state Budget gives money to the regional centers, and how the regional centers spend that money on the center and service providers
Breakout Session #3 – Working Together
Building positive professional relationships, working through conflict, and improving effective communication between board members
Breakout Session #4 – Board Procedures & Policies
How things like Robert’s Rules of Order, bylaws, and other rules guide the way a board operates, as well as an overview of the various policies all regional center boards must have, including Zero Tolerance, contracting, Conflict-of-Interest, Whistleblower, transparency, and the Regional Center Open Meeting Law.
- Jan Masaoka (CalNonprofits executive director) and Erin Bradrick (NEO Law Group) biographies
- CompassPoint Board Model
- Serving on a Regional Center Board PowerPoint