ARCA Academy 2023

Following the 2020 ARCA Academy and the subsequent online web academies, ARCA returned to in-person trainings for regional center board members. The recordings and available materials from this event, held in two repeated sessions on April 29th and May 6th, 2023, are provided here.

Event Agenda and speaker biographies (for both days)

Plenary #1Themes and Trends in Developmental Services 

Major current topics in California’s developmental disabilities services system.

Plenary #2How to Change Perceptions of Regional Centers: What We are Communicating and to Whom

How regional centers can ensure their messaging is effectively sharing their work, and reaching intended audiences.

Breakout Session #1 – The Non-Profit Board Officer: What’s Your Role in the Mission?

A discussion of the work of board members, and their critical work in guiding the broad direction of regional center work.

Breakout Session #2 – Call to Order: Strategies for Encouraging Public Participation Without Losing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Board Meetings

How boards can ensure public participation while ensuring meetings can state Budget gives money to the regional centers, and how the regional centers spend that money on the center and service providers

Breakout Session #3 – Why Your Role as a Regional Center Board Member Matters Now More Than Ever! and Finding Your North Star Through Strategic Planning

Why the work of regional center board members matters to the community, and how strategic planning helps shape that work.

Breakout Session #4 – Boards of Directors Retention and Recruitment

How boards can engage in future planning, including searching for a new executive director

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